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- Awave v2.5, Copyr. 1993,1996, FMJ-Software
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contents:
- 1. Requirements
- 2. Installation
- 3. Registration
- 4. Troubleshooting and FAQ
- 5. Background
- 6. Features
- 7. Availablility
- 8. Feedback and bugreports
- 1.Requirements:
- - Windows 95
- or
- Windows NT 3.51
- or
- Windows 3.1 + Win32s 1.3,
- - Mouse or equivalent pointing device.
- - (optional) MIDI-input device,
- (optional) Advanced Gravis UltraSound (classic, MAX, ACE, PnP),
- (optional) Turtle Beach Maui or Tropez,
- (optional) Creative Labs Sound Blaster AWE 32.
- 2.Installation:
- Throw the files into a directory of your choice. Run Awave.EXE.
- Go through the Help menu. Especially read the Step by Step section.
- 3.Registration:
- Registered users will obtain a personal registration keycode contained
- in a file named 'WHATEVER.KEY'. See 'REGISTER.TXT' on how to obtain one.
- To enter the registration code:
- Start up Awave. Choose 'Options->Program...->Register...'and locate this
- file in order to register Awave and remove all imposed limitations.
- You only need to do this once. Do not store the 'WHATEVER.KEY' file on a
- publically accessible media less someone may steal it, i. e. after you
- have registered yourself, keep it on a floppy and delete it from your
- hard disk. It is your registration license and are to be treated as any
- other value 'paper'.
- 4.Troubleshooting and FAQ:
- I) General questions:
- ? The AudioPlayer doesn't work. It sounds really strange, or things even
- locks up when I try to play certain, but not all, waveforms.
- ! Try dechecking the 'Device can handle arbitrary playback rates' box in
- the Options->Program->AudioPlayer property tab (this can be necessay
- because some buggy audio drivers report that they can do things which,
- in fact, they can not).
- ? I try to load, audition or play this really huge file, but the program
- just exits with an out-of-memory message or simply just hangs...
- ! Awave is currently limited to working only with files it can fit into
- memory. To play huge files you may need a huge amount of physical RAM.
- This is especially true for large MPEG audio files.
- ? Why don't you make a DOS/OS2/Linux/Unix version?
- ! Because I don't have the time or the motivation.
- If there's enough interest (read "I'd register if only you'd do an"),
- I might do a command line version, stripped of the user interface and
- all editing functions...
- ? Is there a batch convert function?
- ! No but you can open multiple files (do an Open File followed by one or
- more Insert File) and then save all items by using the Save All As
- function of the File menu. This will save all instruments (and also
- create instruments for all waveforms not contained in any instrument)
- or, it will save all waveforms, depending on the capabilities of the
- output format you choose. The items will be saved as files with the
- name you choose,the last two characters in the filename beeing used as
- an incrementing index. Ex, Myfile00.Wav, Myfile01.Wav, ...
- II) Specific troubles for Windows 95:
- III) Specific troubles for Windows 3.1:
- ? Program complains about not being able to load COMCTL32.DLL when I try
- to start it.
- ! Read the requirements section again. You must have a Win32 platform
- that supports the common controls introduced in Windows 95.
- This may either be Windows 95,Windows NT v3.51 or later or Windows 3.1
- with the Win32s etxensions v1.3 or later installed. If you use Windows
- 3.1,look in the WIN32S.INI file in the ...\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory to
- determine what version of Win32s you have.If you need an update get it
- from Microsoft, or, you can dowload it from my WWW-page.
- ? When I select the 'AudioPlayer', the 'Clipboard', or the 'MidiSDSDump'
- virtual export format(s) in the Save dialog, it complains about
- 'invalid filename' under Windows 3.1 + Win32s.
- ! That's right, it is an invalid name under the old 8.3 FAT.
- Instead use the equivalent Item menu commands.
- ? This automatic file association stuff doesn't seem to work.
- ! No. It is disabled under Win32s because it was designed for Windows 95
- and under 3.1 it really clutters up things and doesn't work that well;
- so you'd probably not want it after all. You can manually associate
- files in the File Manager if you want to.
- IV) Auditioning troubles:
- ? Program complains about not being able to load AWEMAN32.DLL when I try
- to use auditioning on the SB AWE32 (or comapatible).
- ! You must have this .DLL installed in your WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- directory. It comes with the latest Windows NT drivers (NT version),or
- with the 'Windows 95 Software Upgrade Pack',sold by Creative Labs (W95
- version). I do not know if they plan to release a Win32s version.
- ? Program complains about not being able to load WFGATE.DLL when I try
- to use auditioning on the Maui/Tropez/comapatible.
- ! You must have this .DLL installed in your WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- directory. It is available from Turtle Beach and it comes (and is
- automatically installed) with the latest versions of their WavePatch
- and Wave SE softwares.
- ? Program crashes when auditioning is enabled with the Maui/Tropez.
- ! You must get a newer version of the WFGATE.DLL. It should be dated
- 95-08-18 or later (earlier versions are incompatible with Windows 95).
- At the time of this writing, it is only available as a patch from
- Turtle Beach but it should be included with later versions of their
- softwares. I can email you a copy if you can't find it anywhere else.
- ? When having auditioning enabled for the Maui/Tropez, why does it some-
- times take such a long time to start up?
- ! Not my fault. It's the same thing as when starting TB's WavePatch.
- 5.Background
- Awave was birthed some two years ago when I needed to extract some samples
- from an Amiga tracker module and save them as Ultrasound .pat instruments.
- I hacked up a small program called MOD2PAT to fill my needs.
- As some programs tend to do, this one sone grew beyond bounds. More import
- formats were continually added (and still are). It was ported to Windows,
- it got a steadily improving user interface. The name was now something of
- an understatement so I changed into 2PAT. Now after three major rewrites,
- and supporting something like 75 audio carrying file formats for import,as
- well as most popular formats for export, and sporting several editing and
- playback functions, the name was again changed into Awave.
- 6.Features
- Awave reads a host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms
- synthesizers and trackers. It presents the instruments contained in a file
- as a graphical hierarchy with the 'bank' item at the top,the 'instruments'
- as branches and finally 'waveforms' as leaves.
- If you have one of the supported wavetable synthesis sound cards you can
- just click on an item, and directly play it on a midi keyboard (or you can
- use any 'on-screen' keyboard program). If you just have a basic soundcard
- capable of digital audio playback,you can still play any item by using the
- built in 'Audio Player' feature. Standard MIDI SDS Dumps is also supported
- for downloading waveforms to professional synthesizers.
- Saving an item to any of the supported export formats, is as easy as
- double clicking on the item, selecting export type, and clicking OK.
- There are visual editors for most Instrument and waveform parameters like
- loop points and keymaps.
- There's also a simple commandline interface which enables you to use the
- 'AudioPlayer' to play the sounds in any of the supported file formats;
- thus it is also ideal for use as a 'helper' for your WWW-browser!
- If you are into any form of sampled audio on the Windows platform, you'll
- most likely find this program usefull!
- 7.Availability
- Awave is Shareware. The distributed version has full functionality, except
- for a few slightly annoying things. See the REGISTER.TXT file for details.
- Awave is available for download on the internet @:
- "http://www.nada.kth.se/~f93-maj/fmjsoft.html"
- 6.Feedback and bugreports:
- Send bug reports, suggestions, fan letters, spare money...
- to email: 'f93-maj@nada.kth.se'
- or mail: 'Markus J÷nsson, Svedjev. 7, 147 52 Tumba, Sweden'
- For bug reports, be sure to state what program version it is, what OS you
- are using, as well as what soundcards you have (if any). Also in addition
- to stating the nature of the problem,give a detailed step-by-step account
- of what you did that led up to the bug and note all messages that you may
- have encountered on the way. Thank you!
- Have Fun!
- / F. Markus J.